Topic created on: May 8, 2013 07:53 CDT by codeinject .
I am posting this as I doubt I'll return till Pedram has time to release OpenRCE 2.0.
I've had some mail exchange with him and he told me he hardly hsa the time to maintain the website. However he wants to keep it open etc.
But, you can see now that his product finally launched (in which I am quite interested how it works) I notice he doesn't have time to cleanup the spam anymore.
Thus I'd like to say: All have a good one, I hope Pedram's Product makes him a lot of money and therefore spare time so OpenRCE 2.0 will return. But most questions are "CRACK THIS FOR ME" or "I AM TO LAZY TO GOOGLE".
Thus, Bye :(
When OpenRCE gets a new spark of life I'll be back for sure ;)