Topic created on: July 21, 2011 17:15 CDT by zvodd .
So i was wondering if anyone had looked at Deep Freeze.
Deep Freeze -
So my question is, does anyone know how this program keeps a nice frozen version of your system state, on a single hardisk whilst still giving you almost complete system access ( sans the slightly restrictive VXD driver that my block access to the BIOS and have other unknown functionality). And if so is it possible to modify that frozen version of the system?
From what I've read about it, and my experience using it at a few net cafes. Deep Freeze allows you admin access to your operating system(windows for this example); you can install what ever you want on the system(with admin privs), but after a restart, the disk is returned to it's original state.
What seems strange about this is that, in theory you could make a 119GB junk file on your 120GB C: Drive, be able to access even write it straight over C:\Windows and C:\Program Files. But after a restart it would be restored to it original state.
That seems impossible unless they take advantage of network image storage or the HardDisk's magnetic plates underlying layer of old data: in theory using the right low level driver and a couple of re-reads, you can access data that has been written over a few times, without much difficulty.
BTW Deepfreeze also works with Mac and *nix systems now.