Topic created on: May 23, 2011 18:50 CDT by Dougfunny .
So I found a class for a video game which holds my player info. To uncover some of it's member I went in game and jumped around to find is jumping variable in player struct, health, ammo. The prBlemish is there are still alot of unknown members I could not discover fro
Bein in game! My question is how do I know what these members are if I can't view visual changes in game? If I view Ida"s references to these unknown members of the class I don't see how this will help me find what they are. I say this because if I follow a unknown class members xref I will most likely find myself in an unknown function and in order to understand it I will need to understand the parAmeters that were passed to it. In order to do this I will need to reverse it's caller and in order to reverse it's caller I must reverse the caller Of the caller...... And it seems like it will be impossible to uncover the true meaning of the unknown members of this class. Does anyone have any advice? Am I taking the wrong approach at finding these unknown members?